Kamchatka- Koryak Snow Sheep. (Ovis nivicola koriakorum)
Smaller form of Kamchatka Big Horn Sheep, found further North in the Koryak Mountains in mainland Siberia, above the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Similar in coloration to Kamchatka Bighorn only body coloration is paler than its southern cousin, possibly about 10-15% smaller as well, the white muzzle and rump patch are not as pronounced. This compact sheep has shorter legs in proportion to the body than Bighorn from the south. Of the many many different ranges in the far north of Kamchatka of which many have sheep on them, also display some different characteristics from obe group to another, mainly in horn shape, tighter curls & shape being the main. Area: Koryak Mountains, North of 60º N, and East of the Penzhina River, South of the 64º N. This hunt actually hunts these sheep in the true Koryak Range in the far north, NOT in Northern Kamchataka out of Korf on the East side. Some of these areas have never ever been hunted before.
Schedule for 15 Days Kamchatka.
- Day 1. Arrival in Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky direct Anchorage, transfer same day to Esso in Central Kamchatka via Fixed wing Plane (AN-2).
- Day2. Fly to Penzania and hunting area same day.
- Day 3 – 11. Hunting
- Day 12. Return back to Petro.
- Day 13-14. Rest and Tours for filming.
- Day 15. Departure to Anchorage
Included in hunt cost:
- 1 Ram x 1 Hunter-
- Visa support (letter of invitation and voucher).
- Rifle permit.
- Meet & Greet & departure services at Petropavlovsk Airport.
- Transfer airport – Hotel – Airport.
- Transfer hotel – Camp – Hotel (vehicles + helicopter).
- Accommodation and all meals in the camp (Russian meals).
- Service of the camp staff (one guide for one hunter, cook and translator for the group).
- License for shooting a trophy Ram Trophy
- Sat. phone in camp with outfitter.
- Trophy preparation and packing .
- Documents for freight (vet certificate) Hunters traveling via Anchorage – we will prepare documents for travel
- Hunters traveling Via Moscow or other locations will have Trophys R Us Moscow make arrangements for transfer.
Not included in hunt costs.
- Meals in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (lunch and dinner).
- Alcohol in the camp but can be purchased & taken in.
- Rent of satellite phone & personal conversations.
- Excess luggage in international and domestic flights over allocated allowance.
- Transportation, lodging and other expenses due to early departure.
- Hotel in Petropavlovsk (bed and breakfast, 2 nights) more or less $100 per night.
- Transportation in Petropavlovsk ,excursions in Petropavlovsk in free time: 100 USD p p.
- Meet & Greet in transit cities Moscow and Khabarovsk/Vladivostok ,will cost around $350.00 pp. includes service for gun entry into Russia.
- Hotel and travel expenses in transit cities.
- Medical insurance and medical transportation.
- Additional U.S. or Canadian guide / Personal Escort. This service in not included in hunt pricing.
We strongly recommend you bring your own Sat. Phone, they can be easily rented just for the trip. Outfitter will of course have one as well.
Note; Prices for hunt options and additional costs are subject to change. Costs listed are the current, actual costs or the average cost depending on number of trophies shipped, number of people/group and the US destination for flying and shipping. Not all of the above costs will occur on the hunt. Call or email for specifics.. All prices are in US Dollars.
Koryak Sheep Hunt
You will arrive at Petropavlovsk Kamchatka via Anchorage Alaska where you will be personally met by the outfitter & a Russian Interpreter , after formalities you take a 2 hour flight North West to Esso where you will spend the night. Early the next day the outfitter/pilot will personally fly you 5 Hours North East , stopping in Palana for fuel, arriving in the Penzaina Village later in the day. There you will meet your guide and make final arrangements for the early morning helicopter flight to the Koryak Mountains to the East /north approx one hour. Outfitter and local guides will have pre-scouted the hunt area and based on where they are seeing animals the Helicopters will place hunters around 10 miles apart across the highest ranges which support the largest bands of Rams. Each camp will have two hunters with two guides, you will be setup so you have access to all the sheep feeding in the foot hills below your camps.
The hunt will allow you at least 7 days in the field, and with good hunting weather this will be more than enough time for you to take your Sheep. Altitude is around 4500 feet. You will return to Penzaina and rest for one day then the outfitter will fly everyone back to Esso and overnight. While in Esso the outfitter will double check all hides adding more salt as necessary and making sure they are ready for travel.
Safety: A guide will have at least one Sat. phone and we recommend that you bring your own Sat phone as well on these kinds of Hunts. The outfitter/pilot can monitor weather and conditions in the area, this Arctic Region is very remote.
Weather is always a large factor especially in the Arctic Regions which is why we allow 4 days for getting you to and from the field. There is still the chance you may lose another day due to a weather system coming through as you can get snow about any time of the year, but on average August and Early September have mild weather, the outfitter/pilot and the Helicopters fly only VFR weather making all flights as safe as possible.
Additional Animals – call for current pricing
- Second Koryak Sheep
- Grizzly
- Wolf
- Wolverine
- Caribou
- Moose
Inquiry & Booking Details
Bryan Martin, Asian Hunting Outfitter bryankmartin@gmail.com, 1 250 317-5525
Chris Nash, Australian Guide… snsafaris@gmail.com, + 614 08 528 951