Ibex Hunting in Mongolia
Gobi Ibex (Capra Sibrica Hagenbecki)
Gobi Ibex is a close relative to the Altai Ibex, they inhabit rocky mountains in the southern part of the Gobi Altai Range. Gobi Ibex are smaller than its Altai cousin due to the scarce vegitation and limited water sources in its habitat. They have a brown coat with a light patch under its belly and between its legs. A male Gobi will stand over 3 ft and weigh around 260lbs.
Hunting Season – June 1-Oct 15 (currently no licenses available)
Altai Ibex (Capra Ibex Sibirica)
Altai Ibex are the larger of the two Ibex species in Mongolia. Altai Ibex are found in steep cliffs and narrow canyons with loose rock strips. Ibex primarily feed in the morning and evening and bed up in the shade for most of the day. Primary hunting areas are in the Altai range in the Hovd and Gobi-Altai provinces. They have reddish brown coats with older males having darker coats. Male Altai Ibex will stand a little over 3 ft and weigh approximately 280lbs.
Hunting Season – June 1 – October 15
Trophy Quality – 37-45 inches
Bryan Martin, Owner & Operator, bryankmartin@gmail.com, PH 250.317.5525